Saywhatyou think about these leisure activities: watching films on TV, dancing, swimming in the river, going out with friends, fishing, cycling, climbing, picking up mushrooms, jogging, boating, skiing, camping, etc.
I guess that all of these activities are very important.But I don't like much of these .I like make many is very interesting to remember funny days looking through pictures.It's very important fot me because I want to be photographer.As for this activities I Like some of this.
I really like to go camping. Especially to go to sea trips. At sea, you can see a lot of sea life such as: dolphins shoals of fish and many many more. This summer when we were in the Crimea, we went to a mountain hike to the waterfall Jur-Jur, also has been in the Temple of the Lighthouse and Maritime Museum katostrofe. I loved these trips and really want them repeat. I hope that next year I will be visiting new places is not less interesting than the ones that I already had.
I am happy to tell you about the many recreational activities such as watching movies on TV, dancing, swimming in the river, going out with friends, fishing, biking, rock climbing, picking mushrooms, running, rowing, skiing, camping, etc. And my relation to it al of this is good.l. I like to keep active! Every day I talk with friends, doing evening jog and listen to music. Sometimes I watch television programs, but I believe that it is harmful to humans. I have never engaged rock climbing and do not skiing. I think in the future to carry out all the things that has not had time! I wish all people to lead an active life,because life is short and you need to have time to carry out all that is interesting and fun!